Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye 2012, Hello 2013

Highlights of 2012

  • Trevor finished his first year of college with all A's and one B
  • We where able to be at the temple when Amber, Ray and Hudson got sealed for time and all eternity
  • I passed my CCHT test and am now a Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Technician
  • Found out in July we are going to have a baby!! 
  • We found out our baby is going to be a girl! And we picked the name Loralei Sheri
  • I learned how to crochet
  • My family came to town for Thanksgiving
  • Trevor and I picked out our first live Christmas tree
  • I rode a train for the first time
  • I got a Canon T3i and am finally getting to learn about photography!
Looking forward to... in 2013
  • Meeting Loralei! 
  • Trevor gets to apply for his program
  • I'm going to be looking for a new job that allows me more time at home with my babe
  • Family Reunion this next summer
  • I may be starting a class or two next fall, I'm pretty excited about that
  • Trevor is running in a race from Portland to Eugene
It's been a great year and I can't wait for all that next year has to hold for Trevor and I. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby Kruse!! It's True

It's true, I am definitely pregnant! We found out way back in July, the day before we left to go up to my sister Hollie's wedding reception. I had an inkling a couple days before when I went running with my friend Joni and things just didn't feel the same. I totally blamed it on the fact that it was almost that time of the month but Joni who just had her second babe in February had a different thought about it. So she planted the seed in my mind that it could be more than Aunt Flo about to make her appearance. Anyways when I was late I took a test and man did that little pink line pop up quick! At first I just stared at it and was starting to think maybe I was wrong so I went and jumped on the bed to wake Trevor up and I made him look at it and tell me what it meant. And my eyes and understanding had not failed me, we were definitely going to be having a baby! Talk about exciting news. The next day as we were getting all packed up and ready to go I decided to call my doctor just to schedule an appointment for when we got back and believe it or not they had an opening right that moment and told me to just come right on in. So we did, they confirmed the pregnancy, talked to us about all the future appointments handed me a book and tons of papers and sent me up to the hospital for lab work. Talk about a lot to take in in such a short amount of time!
Well I knew that I would want to tell my parents right away so I came up with a plan to make a onsie for Hudson that said "I'm Getting a Cousin". I got Amber in on it so that should could help me sneak it on Hudson. Well Hudson came toddling/crawling out into the living room and my Dad picked Hudson up, read the onsie and just continued to play with him. Apparently he didn't understand what he had just read. So we got him to put Hudson down which gave the rest of my family and chance to read it and it took them way less time then my Dad to understand haha but the look of surprise on my Mom's face was priceless. Of course we had to give my Dad a hard time afterwards.
Next we got to tell Trevor's family, and so at the dinner table Trevor got to pray to bless the food and he just happened to add in the prayer to bless the baby on the way. So that was a fun way to announce the little babe to his family. I pretty much wanted to tell everyone that we saw that weekend, but did you know that 15-25% of pregnancies don't make it through the first trimester and me and Trevor talked about it and decided just immediate family until the end of the first trimester. Such a hard secret to keep!
Well on my birthday we had our first appointment with the Dr at 8 weeks. And they did an ultrasound to make sure there really was a baby in there and make sure there was only one! Also to check the heartbeat and growth and to give a more sure due date to the babe. That was when we were given the due date of April 4th. The first pictures we were given the babe looked like a jellybean or a peanut. But we got to hear the heartbeat, 162 bpm. It was very cool and very fun to see. The next month went by really slow. I was anxious for the 12 week ultrasound to make sure everything was all right and going smoothly! I worried all the time that something was wrong. Lucky for me everything is looking great.

We went in on Sept 20th for a 12 week ultrasound and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. We saw the babe and he/she was just waving away! Kept waving at us, stretching and just moving like crazy! We also got to hear the heartbeat again this time it was measured at 160 bpm, still healthy and strong. We saw all four arms, hands, legs and feet. Our ultrasound tech pointed out the stomach, kidneys and bladder. So we know our babe is digesting and has working kidneys! It was pretty amazing, she turned the screen to 3D so we got to see more what it looked like which was super cool but the babe is stubborn and wouldn't roll over to show us the face or front of the body, we got a great view of the backside though lol.

It's amazing what they can see through ultrasounds! I wish you could have one every week or at least every month! Our next ultrasound isn't until November 14th and I'm more excited about this one then ever! They go over every inch of the babe counting fingers and toes, making sure all organs are there and just checking for all the anatomy, including whether our babe is a BOY or GIRL! I can't wait. I have always wanted a girl first, don't ask me why I just always have, I love lace, ribbons and ruffles :) But I have been imagining it either way and know I will be happy and love the babe no matter the gender!
Happy Parents to Be! 12weeks 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Main Love..... Garage Sales

Trevor and I are crazy garage salers. We get up early and map out the garage sales we can find postings for online and then hit the streets. I love garage sales and never knowing what we are going to find. We go almost every weekend unless one or both of us ends up working both on Friday and Saturday. But we have found good deals. Recently we hit up a garage sale where I swear everything was 5 cents. Best garage sale ever. I found a pair of Nike tennis shoes there that looked brand new and the perfect size for Trevor and we only paid 10 cents! How awesome! Also thanks to that particular garage sale I have started a collection of Children's books. We are NOT pregnant but decided we might as well start picking up books when we come across them. I love to read and really want my kids to love it too. So I am planning on getting as many as I can for as cheap as I can. It has become sort of a hobby for me. If anyone has children's books that they no longer need or use Ill take them!
When I end up with doubles (which has happened) I usually donate them. I just recently found a place downtown that is for troubled kids and so I think Ill start donating my doubles there now that I know about it. My favorite kids books to find are the little golden books, the little critter books, dr. seuss, bernastien bear books, and any and all Disney books of course :) Not that we limit to just those. If its in good condition and a good price and looks like a good read we pick it up. I just love books and am planning on my kids loving them too :) 
Also at garage sales we find projects. I recently bought two chairs and Trevor got a little end table to fix up. Trevor starting sanding the little table and it already looks so good! I'm excited to see the finished project. For the chairs I got I plan on sanding them down. possibly painting them or maybe just staining them and then re-doing the fabric on the seats. That will be the hard part I need to find someone that can help me do it right.
My other project is I picked up a old bicycle. its one of the cruiser styles with the baskets on the front. I got it cheap! It definitely needs a new seat and a paint job but other than that and a rusty chain its a solid bike. I may sell it when its all done but at the moment I plan on keeping it because its going to look great when I'm done!!

Summer is going by too fast!

I haven't posted in way to long I know and I have so much to catch up on. First and best news of all is that Trevor has finished his first year at OIT and he got AMAZING grades! Made out with all A's and only 1 B and that was because he got lazy and didn't do his math homework. All this means that he has one year left of prerequisites and then he can finally apply for his program which will take two more years of school before he has an externship somewhere. I have no idea where that somewhere will be. It could be in Oregon, Utah, Washington, Alaska or maybe even somewhere on the opposite end of the country. We will just have to worry about that when the time arrives. Right now I am just counting down until we are out of Klamath Falls. I can't say I hate it here anymore, I guess its growing on me. But I think the main reason is that we have some friends here now. We have a pretty great ward, which is were I have met most of my friends down here. Come September I'm supposed to be running a half marathon in Newport with my friend Joni. Although we don't run enough so I don't think that I can be ready.... we will see. Here are some pictures of Klamath falls from our walks and other happenings.

I took all those pictures on our walks. We see pelicans and I saw a Ruddy Duck (blue bill) for the first time ever and would have been so disappointed if I didn't have my camera with me. I basically never go anywhere without my camera. Someday I want to get a really nice camera. I love taking nature shots but love talking pictures of people too. It would be awesome to really get into photography because I love it!